Our challenge this month is inspired by 16 Days of Activism, an international campaign to call out violence against women. In 2019 I was one of 11 women selected across the Grampians region to participate in the Women’s Health Grampians Equality for All program. The program gave us the time and space to explore our personal stories of intersectionality (when women have more than just gender working against them – in my case, being LGBTIQ) and turn them into talks that we have then been giving to organisations big and small. Gender inequality is known to be the key driver of violence against women and in the talks I’ve been presenting, I’ve been able to help people understand just how powerful images can be in challenging gender roles and gender stereotypes. That’s where you come in with this month’s challenge!


This month, capture a photo of someone you know and post it to social media as part of the 16 days of activism challenge, with their message about gender equality, or prevention of violence against women. You can either include the message in the post, or get them to hold a sign in the photograph. For tips on creating great portraits using natural light, watch the challenge tutorial and hopefully you’re image will be so great people will want to share it far and wide! #16daysofactivism

Don’t forget to share them on social media and use the hashtag #withcamerainhand and #wcihchallenge and we’ll celebrate you by sharing them too!